Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Calling All Authors: Our May Photo

 What about this picture inspires you? Scares you? Thrills you? We'd love to read about it.

free from her cage

Submission Guidelines:

- Email submissions to us at: fictionfemmefatale@gmail.com
- Please do not send any attachments. All work must be pasted in the body of your email. If you have any special formatting, like italics or bold, please make sure those are notated in the email as well.
- Please keep the story around 1,000 words, and geared toward young adults or middle graders
- All submissions must be received by Friday, May 18th. They will be reviewed by us, and the author we choose will be notified by Wednesday, May 23rd.

Questions? Please see our Submit/Contact page or email us.

We can't wait to read your stories!

Photo by: rosiekernohan


  1. Cool and surreal. Makes me think of "The Night Circus."

  2. Damn you and your cool pictures! You know I don't write short stories and have to write a new novel every time you do this, right?

  3. Ha! Glad you guys like the pics! Can't wait to see what people submit!
